Tuesday, October 14, 2014

i LOVE her

Spending some real time getting to know her again. Holding and filling her with my enrgy, good and bad. Happy and sad. Clear and confused.

Tonight I practiced with questions I already knew the answers to, as they say I should. She was spot on in every way. The first answer freaked me out. I can admit that. The spooky chill up my spine. The shiver of "how freaking cool!!!"

I stopped and squeezed her in my palm to calm myself and then became ready to anything.

Right. Right. Right.

All the yeses and nos I was looking for.

My last 2 questions... Are you ready to work with me. And I ready to work with you. Both yeses. I think I have found my new favorite tool <3

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Rainy Day Road Trippin

Autumn in New England is everything. Snow here is great too, but Autumn is my favorite. I don't have to go far, or even somewhere special. Just a simple walk through a parking lot offers the perfect photo opportunity.

Today's drive up to Massachusetts was a rainy one, but beautiful nonetheless.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Just looked over and Phee was curled up by the open window. The air coming in was so chilly I had to close the window. Poor frozen kitty!! 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Sea Beacon Fairy

The Sea Beacon Fairy is definitely a guide, but toward rocks or safe harbor? A path is being clearly lit. But is it the right one? Simply because there is light, is the source a true and good guide? Wait or follow the first light that comes along. Use your inner wisdom to decide. 

Perfect timing on this one. There is a minor detail that needs attention. One that could grow if not confronted. I had my mind made up on how to deal. Then today decided I could try another approach. I was so sure of everything until that inner wisdom whispered to me "slow down, there might be a better way..."

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Harvest Moon

The Season of the Witch is here and I feel alive again! The Harvest Moon brings the best joy to me... I remember the first one I celebrated with my little coven here. We trekked all the way out to a farm and waited... Rebecca laid in a field, bored lol and the Tor and Ash played around in the grass by the side of the road. We never saw Her rise, so we left and went to get ice cream. From the parking lot of DQ, we saw Her. Huge and orange and stunning. Lesson learned... It doesn't need to be pushed. It needs to be natural. The way all my Magick comes to me. 

Today I celebrate another beautiful Harvest Moon. Another year of being a witch. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

It Is Time

Mabon Planning



Just 2 days ago I stood in the Witch Garden and asked the strong North Wind to swirl around me and make my Magick new. I felt revived and ready to make things happen. Tonight, on the Full Moon, I see clearly as She shines brightly over my head that a new beginning is in the making. Marks of a New Beginning.  A chance to start again.  Leave behind past mistakes.  When all seems dark, there is Hope for a bright future.

Harvest Moon Blessings

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Mildew Fairy

The Mildew Fairy shows what is really going on, what needs to change and what we need to take care of. She points to where we need to place our love and attention. She shows us what is unhealthy and we just aren't seeing it. Decrease stuck emotions. Increase fresh thinking! Grab a fresh new outlook on your world.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Practice Looking


Dried Flower Fairy

Collect Happy Thoughts and keep them from fading. Through difficult times, the Dried Flower Fairy flies to your side,shows you a moment and transforms the present. The Magick of your sweetest memories will be worked into your present. #shadowandlight

74 Days


Winged Seer

I will help you see when someone is filled with half-telling truths. Insights will seem to come from supernatural sources. It is as if you have changed sights, you can see further and more deeply within. Flashes of the future, sudden understandings of the past and for telling of the future are yours.  I will protect you while you sleep and follow through on what you now clearly see. Illumination || Victory || Wisdom. Trust your Sacred Sight.

Friday, August 8, 2014

International Cat Day

I grew up with a house full of cats. It started with one, Miki. A beautiful Siamese Himalayan mix that would talk to us and play hide and seek. She was beautiful. Then 2 kittens were left at our back door step. I never knew just how those people knew my mother would take them in… that she was a cat lady, but we welcomed Sonny and Bonnie into our lives. After the Silver Anniversary gift of Alexander, the silver shaded fluff ball worth A LOT of money, the order of appearance for the rest of them is a blur.

It was yearssssssss later, married with the girls and still wanting a cat… my familiar… and the answer was always NO! I regretted not paying more attention, not really enjoying and working with those first cats while I was growing up. I’d probably never have another.

And then Phee walked into our lives. She was a beautiful mess. Most of the fur on her back was gone. She had 2 gaping sores (one on each side of her rear). I was afraid to touch her. She purred and rubbed all over me, still afraid to touch her. I would pet her head and then go wash my hands. I had no idea what was wrong with her. I bought cheap cat food to put out for her, which in turn brought several other cats around lol. Then she started sleeping in the back of the truck in our garage at night. We brought out blankets. She would wander during the day and I was always so afraid she wouldn’t come back. But she would be right back under the blankets at night. Eventually we were allowed to take her to the vet and if she would be ok, we could bring her into the house. I almost dropped over. So, off to the vet she went. There was noting seriously wrong with her, she stopped licking the sores and they healed. She still loves to pull her fur out, but she looks a million times better. She has grown into a beautiful cat.

It’s hard to believe that was 3 years ago.

She is my Magick girl, we do a lot of work together. During our head butts I ask for her help. She helps with my Tarot, she helps with my whispering… she’s there for all of it. She follows me nearly everywhere, sleeps with me at night, hangs out with me during the day. I was lost without her and now I have my beautiful familiar Phee. I am so grateful she walked into our yard, walked into our lives and into our hearts.

Monday, August 4, 2014


Solitude by HannahCombs on Deviant Art

This Summer has been filled with hustle an bustle... not like in past years when everything seemed to be monotonous and stale.

We've been vigilant about doing things with the family, even if it's a day trip to the beach or the amusement park. Spending time with the girls has been a great treasure. And the gypsy in me... all of us... is nourished with those trips, wind blowing through the car windows...refreshing and banishing the yuk as we speed away.

Cheer has been a huge part of my Summer, but it has not totally taken over. I have finally found a balance there.

And I have even found the precious time to do many Magickal things for JUST ME. Lighting candles on the important days or just because. Banishing the bad, drawing in the good. I've been much stronger at Tarot and making sure to do at least a card pull... far more often than I had been. And I've taken up some Witchcraft studying... I do love learning new thing. Or in this case, things I have always known but reinforced through the reading and studying I have been doing. This AirWitch gets caught up and distracted so easily. Studying Witchcraft helps me focus where I know I need to be... building spirituality so that those bigger challenges can seem much smaller. I have been wearing amulets as well and I feel far more protected. I still remember sleeping with a ruby (my grandmother's) in my hand at night to ward of the evil eye from other witches. It's always been with me.

And Phee... she and I have really bonded this summer. We almost speak to each other. Head butts and purrs and a Witch speaking to her Familiar is better than anything I could have ever imagined. The connection I feel with her is beyond Magickal and I love seeing it grow as the warm summer days unfold before us. She truly is a Witch's cat.

I feel somewhat disconnected from the rest of the world of devices and internet... I sometimes feel as though I am missing out on big things and may never catch up with the world. But I have taken the time (when I find that quiet time) to make sure I connect at least with those most dearly loved. Another balance. And I have learned to let it go... if I miss a post or a picture or a comment, so be it. Unplugging is such great medicine.

A little Solitude is good for the soul.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Dark Moon filled with making wishes come true

I don't celebrate the Full Moon with much excitement other than looking forward to the first glimpse in the night sky and take some pictures. I do, however, take full advantage of the light to do Tarot Readings and seek the much needed answers to hard to answer questions. With all the light shining truth on everything, it's my perfect time for that kind of Magick.

But the Dark Moon speaks to me with all the Magick of a darkened night sky when I feel the nightkind watching me and protecting me. The darker, quieter, pulled-inward side of me thrills in all that darker Magick. There are no Tarot readings, or questioned asked. There is no light enough for that. Instead, I pull the nightkind closer to me and ask only for their guidance and the strength to do what needs to be done in the month ahead. New goals or dreams. New wishes to make come true. New possibilities and endless opportunities for the new month ahead. I ask that they keep me focused on those tasks, because I know a good strong breeze will blow and I will find myself forgetting what I was supposed to do.

This purple mosaic-style bulb becomes my light. For one night a month only. The night of the Dark Moon <3