Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Just looked over and Phee was curled up by the open window. The air coming in was so chilly I had to close the window. Poor frozen kitty!! 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Sea Beacon Fairy

The Sea Beacon Fairy is definitely a guide, but toward rocks or safe harbor? A path is being clearly lit. But is it the right one? Simply because there is light, is the source a true and good guide? Wait or follow the first light that comes along. Use your inner wisdom to decide. 

Perfect timing on this one. There is a minor detail that needs attention. One that could grow if not confronted. I had my mind made up on how to deal. Then today decided I could try another approach. I was so sure of everything until that inner wisdom whispered to me "slow down, there might be a better way..."

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Harvest Moon

The Season of the Witch is here and I feel alive again! The Harvest Moon brings the best joy to me... I remember the first one I celebrated with my little coven here. We trekked all the way out to a farm and waited... Rebecca laid in a field, bored lol and the Tor and Ash played around in the grass by the side of the road. We never saw Her rise, so we left and went to get ice cream. From the parking lot of DQ, we saw Her. Huge and orange and stunning. Lesson learned... It doesn't need to be pushed. It needs to be natural. The way all my Magick comes to me. 

Today I celebrate another beautiful Harvest Moon. Another year of being a witch. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

It Is Time

Mabon Planning



Just 2 days ago I stood in the Witch Garden and asked the strong North Wind to swirl around me and make my Magick new. I felt revived and ready to make things happen. Tonight, on the Full Moon, I see clearly as She shines brightly over my head that a new beginning is in the making. Marks of a New Beginning.  A chance to start again.  Leave behind past mistakes.  When all seems dark, there is Hope for a bright future.

Harvest Moon Blessings